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Ayurvedic Indian Massage Course

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Course Description

Ayurvedic massage in India has a history of thousands of years. The most sophisticated type of ancient Indian massage, the focus of which is the preservation and healing of health. Ayurvedic medicine is also called the science of life. It is the world's oldest and most durable natural health care system, which provides the opportunity to improve health and eliminate diseases without harmful side effects, which is why it is used by more and more doctors worldwide. Ayurvedic massages have been known throughout India for thousands of years. It is an excellent way to reduce the stress caused by modern life. Ayurvedic massages are stress relievers. They do good in delaying aging and help to make our body as healthy as possible. Also referred to as the queen of massages, Ayurvedic oil massage has an outstanding effect on the senses. It not only affects the body, but also refreshes the soul. It can provide a complex relaxation and spiritual experience for everyone.

picAyurveda is a proven method for curing chronic diseases. It is also a proven method for colds, allergies, chronic fatigue, ulcers, diabetes, high blood pressure, skin diseases (rashes, irritations), digestive disorders, insomnia, migraines, headaches and mental illnesses. Ayurvedic medicine treats the whole body. In contrast to Western medicine, which largely focuses on suppressing and eliminating symptoms, Ayurveda looks for the source of diseases and heals at this level. Its main purpose is to maintain the state of balance of the body's energies. It is important to note that Ayurveda is not at odds with classical medicine. The two methods can complement each other perfectly.

During the massage, we use different special Indian oils for different types of people and health problems, which not only heal the body, but also have a positive effect on our senses with their pleasant aroma. Using special massage techniques, the therapist will be able to completely relax the guest both physically and mentally.

Beneficial effects:

Improves circulation and promotes more oxygenated blood to reach the tissues
Soothes the muscles, relieves tension
Reduces the tension in the joints
Regenerates the joints
Helps waste and toxic substances to leave the body
Activates and tones the function of the skin
It makes us feel good
Facilitates the absorption of nutrients
Keeps the digestive system in order
Strengthens muscles and veins
Strengthens the lungs, intestines and many other organs
Helps gymnasts, athletes, athletes and soldiers to relax
It also strengthens bones by promoting normal circulation
Reduces thickened and separated tissues
Facilitates adhesion, the incorporation of water into the skin tissue
Alleviates the problems associated with diseases and aging
Helps to slow down the calcification processes in the neck and sacrum area

What you get during the online training:

experience-based learning
own modern and easy-to-use student interface
exciting practical and theoretical training videos
detailed written teaching materials illustrated with pictures
unlimited access to videos and learning materials
the possibility of continuous contact with the school and the instructor
a comfortable, flexible learning opportunity
you have the option to study and take exams on your phone, tablet or computer
flexible online exam
exam guarantee
printable certificate immediately available electronically

Topics for This Course

What you will learn about:

The training includes the following professional teaching materials.

General massage theory
Origin and principles of Ayurveda
Introduction to the world of Ayurveda
Indications and contraindications of Ayurvedic massage
Determination of individual constitution: Vata, Pitta, Kapha
Fields of application of oils
Physiological effects of massage
Application of complete Ayurvedic massage in practice

During the course, we not only present the techniques, but with more than 20 years of professional experience, we clearly explain what-how-and-why must be done in order to perform the massage at a high level.

The course can be completed by anyone who feels like it!

Your Instructors

Andrea GraczerInternational Instructor

Andrea has more than 16 years of professional and educational experience in various rehabilitation and wellness massages. Her life is continuous learning and development. Her main vocation is the maximum transfer of knowledge and professional experience. She recommends massage courses to everyone, including those who apply as career starters and those who work as qualified masseurs, healthcare workers, and beauty industry workers who want to expand their knowledge and build their careers.

More than 120,000 people have taken part in her education in more than 200 countries of the world.

Course Details

picCourse features:
School:HumanMED Academy™
Learning style:Online
Available:6 months
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Student Feedback


After the course, I am sure that I want to work in the massage industry.


I recommend it to everyone who wants to learn massage, because it is easy to understand and I received a lot of useful new information that I could use to improve my knowledge.


I was able to learn a very special massage. At first, I didn't know that such a type of massage even existed, but as soon as I came across it, I immediately liked it. I gained real knowledge in the course, I really liked the video content.


All my life I have been interested in the Ayurvedic approach and Indian culture. Thank you for introducing me to ayurvedic massage in such a complex way. Thank you for the high-quality, colorful development of the theoretical and practical course material. The course was well planned, every step was logically guided.


The flexible learning option allowed me to progress according to my own schedule. It was a good course.

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picCourse features:
School:HumanMED Academy™
Learning style:Online
Available:6 months

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