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Hara (Abdomen) Massage Course

Professional learning materials
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Course Description

Abdominal massage is a particularly gentle, yet extremely effective massage technique. It effectively enhances the body's self-healing ability and mobilizes the self-healing forces. This massage technique of Chinese origin basically works with the abdomen, the area around the navel, the area between the ribs and the pubic bone.

picAccording to Chinese and other Eastern teachings, the body's energy center is located in the abdomen, around the navel. Its Chinese name is "tan tien", while its Japanese name is "hara". The effect of the energy blocks created in this area is particularly significant in terms of health. Through the reflex zones located here, the entire body can be treated, similar to the reflex zones of the palms or soles. With this gentle massage technique, energy blockages around the navel and abdomen can be very effectively dissolved, and the energy accumulated here can be effectively dispersed.

Abdominal massage works on different treatment levels:

treats and detoxifies the skin and connective tissues
treats the reflex zones and reflex points of the abdomen
stimulates and calms the acupressure meridians, dissolves their blocks
directly treats the individual abdominal organs

The release of tension and spasms in the abdomen has a reflex effect on the rest of the body and thus the treatment energizes, detoxifies and stimulates the entire body.

Fields of application:

for disease prevention
to complement the therapy of abdominal and pelvic cavity organs
to relieve abdominal and pelvic cavity spasms and blocks
to increase the energy level and vitality of the entire body

What you get during the online training:

experience-based learning
own modern and easy-to-use student interface
exciting practical and theoretical training videos
detailed written teaching materials illustrated with pictures
unlimited access to videos and learning materials
the possibility of continuous contact with the school and the instructor
comfortable, flexible learning opportunity
you have the option to study and take exams on your phone, tablet or computer
flexible online exam
exam guarantee
printable certificate immediately available electronically

Topics for This Course

What you will learn about:

The training includes the following professional teaching materials.

General massage theory
Skin anatomy and functions
Stomach and intestinal function
Basic principles of Hara massage
Our organs, their five stages of change and their meaning
Preparations for the massage
Indications and contraindications for treatment
The theory of treatment of reflex zones and reflex points of the abdomen
Presentation of full belly massage in practice

During the course, we not only present the techniques, but with more than 20 years of professional experience, we clearly explain what-how-and-why must be done in order to perform the massage at a high level.

The course can be completed by anyone who feels like it!

Your Instructors

Andrea GraczerInternational Instructor

Andrea has more than 16 years of professional and educational experience in various rehabilitation and wellness massages. Her life is continuous learning and development. Her main vocation is the maximum transfer of knowledge and professional experience. She recommends massage courses to everyone, including those who apply as career starters and those who work as qualified masseurs, healthcare workers, and beauty industry workers who want to expand their knowledge and build their careers.

More than 120,000 people have taken part in her education in more than 200 countries of the world.

Course Details

picCourse features:
School:HumanMED Academy™
Learning style:Online
Available:6 months
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Student Feedback


I have been a masseuse and coach for 8 years. I have completed many courses, but I consider this to be the best value for money.


I live in a sick family. Bloating, constipation and abdominal cramps are regular daily occurrences. They can cause great suffering. I thought that a course specifically focusing on the abdomen area would be useful for me, so I completed it. I am extremely grateful for the training. You can get so much for so cheap... Massage helps my family a lot. :)


The tips and tricks received during the course were also very useful in everyday life. I use them to massage my friends and family!

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picCourse features:
School:HumanMED Academy™
Learning style:Online
Available:6 months

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