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Soft Bone Forging Course

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Course Description

Soft chiropractic is the trend of manual therapy that was developed for the corrective treatment of human bones and joints, combining elements of folk chiropractic, chiropractic and osteopathy. During soft chiropractic treatment, the dislocated joint can be corrected by loosening the surrounding muscle and using the appropriate technique. The basis of this method is to relax and stretch the muscles and tendons and move the spine. All this promotes the restoration of a symmetrical posture, the relaxation of the muscles and the nervous system together with the stimulation of the lymphatic system. In the case of a problem that has developed over a long period of time, the regeneration process also takes time, so it may happen that several treatments are necessary. A sedentary lifestyle and a body exposed to constant daily stress make it much easier to develop unpleasant and painful symptoms that can make everyday life miserable.

Soft chiropractic can be an effective treatment:

back pain
back pain
lumbago, sciatica
numbness in hands and feet
for sacrum and sacrum dislocations


unregulated high blood pressure
severe osteoporosis
acute inflammation
open wound

How is soft chiropractic different?

During the treatment, the operator relaxes the muscles with a special massage, which enables painless and safe application. It does not put the bones in place by force, but with a suitable, special grip it gives the joint the opportunity for the bones to find their place.

We do not put the dislocated joint back, but after loosening the muscle around it, with the movements of an expert chiropractor, we create an opportunity for the joint to find its assigned place. After the treatment, the guest feels as if his joints have been oiled, it is much easier for him to move.

When treating spinal disorders, the healing process is significantly shortened. It is also very effective in preventing the development of spinal hernia and scoliosis. The treatment cannot be used in case of advanced osteoporosis, advanced navel or inguinal hernia, and in case of infectious disease.

What you get during the online training:

experience-based learning
own modern and easy-to-use student interface
exciting practical and theoretical training videos
detailed written teaching materials illustrated with pictures
unlimited access to videos and learning materials
the possibility of continuous contact with the school and the instructor
a comfortable, flexible learning opportunity
you have the option to study and take exams on your phone, tablet or computer
flexible online exam
exam guarantee
printable certificate immediately available electronically

Topics for This Course

What you will learn about:

The training includes the following professional teaching materials.

General massage theory
Skin anatomy and functions
Locomotor anatomical knowledge
Anatomy and functions of muscles
Anatomy and functions of fascia
Anatomy and functions of joints
Movement paths of joints
Anatomy and functions of bones
History of Chiropractic
Treatment indications and contraindications, physiological effects on the body
Applying a relaxing massage by body part
Presentation of the complete soft chiropractic system in practice

During the course, we not only present the techniques, but with more than 20 years of professional experience, we clearly explain what-how-and-why must be done in order to perform the massage at a high level.

The course can be completed by anyone who feels like it!

Your Instructors

Andrea GraczerInternational Instructor

Andrea has more than 16 years of professional and educational experience in various rehabilitation and wellness massages. Her life is continuous learning and development. Her main vocation is the maximum transfer of knowledge and professional experience. She recommends massage courses to everyone, including those who apply as career starters and those who work as qualified masseurs, healthcare workers, and beauty industry workers who want to expand their knowledge and build their careers.

More than 120,000 people have taken part in her education in more than 200 countries of the world.

Course Details

picCourse features:
School:HumanMED Academy™
Learning style:Online
Available:6 months
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Student Feedback


I developed a lot professionally, this training was essential for me during my work.


It's good that I can use the techniques not only independently but also integrated into other massage therapies.


Everything was understandable! I have been treating my wife regularly since then.


I really liked the online training. I learned a lot of techniques. I recommend it to everyone.


With 2 children, it would have been difficult for me to go to a course, so I am very happy that I was able to complete the course online in such a super quality. I recommend the school to everyone who is very busy.


The course was very useful, and since then my guests are more satisfied.


I originally wanted this course for my daughter, then when I saw the videos, I couldn't take my eyes off it, it was so captivating. That's how I completed the soft chiropractor course.


I learned very useful techniques that I can use in other massages as well.I am also interested in the spinal regeneration massage course!

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picCourse features:
School:HumanMED Academy™
Learning style:Online
Available:6 months

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