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Business Coaching Course

Professional learning materials
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Course Description

The training is for those who want to learn the secrets of Business coaching, who want to acquire theoretical and practical knowledge that they can use in all areas of the profession. We put together the course in such a way that we included all the useful information that you can use to act as a successful coach.

The role of the Business Coach is to support managers and their colleagues and help them achieve their individual and organizational goals. A good business coach must be aware of economic and organizational issues, the decision-making of leadership roles, and the processes of change management and motivation management. Business coaching helps organizations operate more efficiently and fulfill organizational goals. In order for the coach to be able to perform effective support work in the processes of the company's mission, it is necessary to know and coordinate many activities.

The business coach's specialty lies in the fact that he must get to know the external and internal characteristics and the culture of the organization in order to be able to effectively support the interests of its employees. He specializes in achieving goals. You often have to deal with a specific team or group and coordinate processes as efficiently as possible.

What you get during the online training:

own modern and easy-to-use student interface
19-part educational video material
written teaching material developed in detail for each video
unlimited time access to videos and learning materials
possibility of continuous contact with the school and the instructor
comfortable, flexible learning opportunity
you have the option to study and take exams on your phone, tablet or computer
we provide a flexible online exam
we provide an electronically accessible certificate
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For whom the course is recommended:

For coaches
For masseuses
For those working in the business sector
For entrepreneurs
For HR people
For managers
For business consultants
Those who want to expand their scope of activities
For everyone who feels like it

Topics for This Course

What you will learn about:

The training includes the following professional teaching materials.

Business coaching
Presentation of coaching tools, the best coaching practices
Brief coaching
SWOT analysis
The essence of the NLP method
Presentation of process models - Grow, Clear, Lamp, Vogelauer models
Presentation of team coaching
Presentation of business ethical principles
Change management, the role of leadership in change processes
Motivation management
Organizational leadership and leadership styles
Managerial decision-making processes
Causes of conflicts in economic organizations
Conflict management strategies
Self-branding is the importance of personal branding
The process of starting a business, market opportunity
Presentation of the complete derivation of a coaching process, case study
Applying a coaching approach in everyday life

During the course, you can acquire all the knowledge that is essential in the coaching profession. International professional level training with the help of the best instructors with more than 20 years of professional experience.

The course can be completed by anyone who feels like it!

Your Instructors

Andrea GraczerInternational Instructor

Andrea has more than 16 years of professional and educational experience in various rehabilitation and wellness massages. Her life is continuous learning and development. Her main vocation is the maximum transfer of knowledge and professional experience. She recommends massage courses to everyone, including those who apply as career starters and those who work as qualified masseurs, healthcare workers, and beauty industry workers who want to expand their knowledge and build their careers.

More than 120,000 people have taken part in her education in more than 200 countries of the world.

Course Details

picCourse features:
School:HumanMED Academyâ„¢
Learning style:Online
Available:6 months
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Student Feedback


I worked as an employee for a long time. Then I felt I had to change. I wanted to be my own master. I felt that entrepreneurship would be the right choice for me. I completed the life, relationship and business coach courses. I got a lot of new knowledge. My way of thinking and my life changed completely. I work as a coach and help others with life's obstacles.


I found the training very inspiring. I learned a lot, acquired techniques that I can effectively use in my work. I received a well-structured curriculum.


I am an entrepreneur, I have employees. Coordination and management are often difficult, which is why I completed the training. I received not only knowledge, but also new motivation and strength to continue. Thanks again.

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picCourse features:
School:HumanMED Academyâ„¢
Learning style:Online
Available:6 months

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