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Sport And Fitness Massage Course

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Course Description

A kind of massage that is becoming more and more popular. Due to its many advantages, it is used not only by official and amateur athletes, but also by many of those who do not do sports at all. Regular sports massage helps prevent injuries by improving muscle condition.

A good masseuse recognizes stiff muscles and scar tissue, which, if left untreated, can lead to injury. In order to provide effective treatment, therapists must also understand human anatomy and physiology. Sports massage can be classified as mechanotherapy at the level of massage. Fitness and sports massage can also be performed on healthy people. Sports massage can be used to treat certain injuries, as well as muscle imbalances and posture problems. In addition, it helps prevent sports injuries, improves muscle condition and performance.

Advantages of sports massage:

Sports massage plays an important role in the life of every athlete, regardless of whether they are injured or not. It is essential in treating certain injuries and preventing future injuries. it has a calming effect, reduces muscle spasms, relieves pain caused by stiff muscles, relaxes stiff, stuck muscles, so they become more loadable and less vulnerable to injury. It empties the accumulated toxins (for example, lactic acid) from tight muscles, speeds up recovery in case of injury, and loosens tight muscles in people who lead a sedentary lifestyle. The intensive massage prepares you for exercise, as a result of which the performance of our muscles increases significantly, and the chances of injuries decrease. The purpose of the post-sports massage is regeneration, which consists of two main stages.


The purpose of the massage performed immediately after straining the muscles is to remove waste materials and toxins from the stressed tissues as soon as possible. In such cases, it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids. Muscle fever can be avoided by removing the accumulated lactic acid. The importance of subsequent massages (for example, between training sessions) is that our muscles regenerate and the appropriate muscle tone is restored.

Sports massage is recommended:

intensive athletes - they definitely need a (before and after) sports massage
whose muscles are exposed to more vigorous use from other activities
for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle, to stimulate stiff muscles
despite the fact that sports massage is more common among active athletes, anyone can use this type of massage

picDuring the advanced sports massage course, participants learn techniques specifically applied in sports conditions. In addition to practicing unique and powerful techniques, sports massage training also includes sports anatomy and physiology theory, and we increase the effectiveness of the treatment with active and passive movements and stretches. During the course, participants learn the pages of sports nutrition and lifestyle change, and receive detailed information on learning sports anatomy and physiology.

What you get during the online training:

experience-based learning
own modern and easy-to-use student interface
exciting practical and theoretical training videos
detailed written teaching materials illustrated with pictures
unlimited access to videos and learning materials
the possibility of continuous contact with the school and the teacher
comfortable, flexible learning opportunity
you have the option to study and take exams on your phone, tablet or computer
flexible online exam
exam guarantee
printable certificate immediately available electronically

Topics for This Course


Physical training and sport as a means of maintaining health
Physiological and professional significance of warm-up
The ability to be loose and flexible, to stretch
Determination of fitness and training principles
The ability to be loose and flexible, to stretch
Performance components
Types of training load, stimulus and stimulus threshold
Principle of super-compensation
Theoretical foundations and main characteristics of movement coordination
Description of conditioning abilities


Locomotor system, bones
Movement system, joints
Locomotor system, structure and types of muscles
Energy-providing processes of muscle function
Muscle fiber types and their characteristics during sports activities
Excretory system
Digestive system function and nutrients
Joint mobility
Metabolism and energy requirements
Effect of sports activity on the circulatory system
Adaptation of the breathing system to regular port activity
Weight control


Types of bleeding
Sports injuries
Myalgia causes and treatment


Performance enhancement, sports nutritional supplements
Description of doping agents


Chronic diseases: high blood pressure, heart attack, pulmonary asthma, diabetes
Spine and joint protection


Sports massage benefits, physical effects, indications, contraindications
The role of massage in the preparation of athletes
Beneficial effects of the SMR cylinder on the propulsion system

Practical module:

Learning and professional application of sports massage techniques and special techniques
Correct implementation of active and passive movements and stretches
Description of carrier materials (oils, creams, gels) and additional devices used during sports massage
Cup techniques
SMR cylinder

During the course, we not only present the techniques, but with more than 20 years of professional experience, we clearly explain what-how-and-why must be done in order to perform the massage at a high level.

The course can be completed by anyone who feels like it!

Your Instructors

Andrea GraczerInternational Instructor

Andrea has more than 16 years of professional and educational experience in various rehabilitation and wellness massages. Her life is continuous learning and development. Her main vocation is the maximum transfer of knowledge and professional experience. She recommends massage courses to everyone, including those who apply as career starters and those who work as qualified masseurs, healthcare workers, and beauty industry workers who want to expand their knowledge and build their careers.

More than 120,000 people have taken part in her education in more than 200 countries of the world.

Course Details

picCourse features:
School:HumanMED Academy™
Learning style:Online
Available:6 months
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Student Feedback


I work in a gym, where I noticed how much the athletes miss the post-workout massage. I thought about it a lot before the idea of ​​taking the sports massage course came to me. I told my idea to the manager of the gym and he liked my plan. That is why I completed the Humanmed Academy course. I received thorough preparation. I was happy that I could watch the videos as many times as I wanted, so I could practice safely. I passed the exam and have been working as a sports masseuse ever since. I am happy that I took this step.


I received thorough theoretical and practical knowledge.


The instructor's competence always confirmed that I was in the right place.


The emphasis was on practical knowledge, which helped in immediate application.


I am a masseuse and I wanted to expand my knowledge. I received comprehensive and thorough tutorials. I think the amount of study materials is a bit much, but apart from that, everything was fine. :)

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picCourse features:
School:HumanMED Academy™
Learning style:Online
Available:6 months

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